Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Sandwiches!

I've been really big on cold sandwiches this semester, probably because it's already like an oven outside.

I've been making chicken salad sandwiches every few days by making sure I cook an extra chicken breast whenever I'm already cooking chicken for dinner.  Then:

-dice or shred the chicken
-dice a piece of garlic
-add some cranberries, walnuts, onions, celery, or whatever sounds good
-throw in a scoop of mayonaisse
-sprinkle some salt and pepper
-and mix it up!

Today though, I saw something incredible on The Pioneer Woman, an Avocado & Egg Salad Sandwich.

via The Pioneer Woman

Doesn't that look amazing?  And totally doable here (minus the bread)!

1 comment:

  1. I made chicken salad sandwiches the other day with some large grapes and (soft!) bread buns I found at IGA and they turned out delicious!
